Your Satisfaction Is Our Priority!
We strive to deliver your orders as quickly as possible, ensuring that you receive your goods in the shortest time.
We have partnered with STAR HANGAR to ensure an exceptional experience for you.
If you register using the code STAR-NXBH-G367, you will automatically receive 5,000 UEC to spend in Star Citizen. Remember to apply the code when creating your account. If you already have an existing account, unfortunately, you cannot add the code retroactively.
Troubleshooting Tips:
- Check Your Spam Folder: Sometimes gift emails end up in spam folders. Be sure to look there.
- Multiple Gift Emails: If you order multiple items, you might receive multiple gift emails. These can look similar, but remember to claim all items mentioned in the email thread.
- Sorting in Your Hangar: When you accept a gift, items in your hangar are sorted by pledge date, not claim date. If an item was pledged last year, it may appear lower in your hangar. Scroll through your entire hangar to locate it.
- Contact Customer Support: If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to Star Hangar’s friendly and efficient customer support. They’ll ensure your order proceeds smoothly.
Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance!