Upgrade - Gladius Valiant to Talon
This ship is a recreation of the Tevarin Talon by Esperia. The Talon is the Tevarin equivalent to the Aegis Gladius or Vanduul Blade; a single-seat combat ship. The Talon is the perfect example of the Tevarin way of building a spaceship: maneuverable with powerful, directional 'Phalanx' shields but weak physical armour, as the Tevarin way of war was to strike first and strike hard, before using their Phalanx shields to cover their escape. Learn more at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/talon
The ship you are upgrading to will retain the original insurance your package/ship had.
For additional information about ship upgrades, please refer to CIG's FAQ.
Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.
This ship is a recreation of the Tevarin Talon by Esperia. The Talon is the Tevarin equivalent to the Aegis Gladius or Vanduul Blade; a single-seat combat ship. The Talon is the perfect example of the Tevarin way of building a spaceship: maneuverable with powerful, directional 'Phalanx' shields but weak physical armour, as the Tevarin way of war was to strike first and strike hard, before using their Phalanx shields to cover their escape. Learn more at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/talon
The ship you are upgrading to will retain the original insurance your package/ship had.
For additional information about ship upgrades, please refer to CIG's FAQ.
Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.