F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I to F7C Hornet Mk II - Upgrade
Tame the power, speed, and offensive punch of the UEE Navy’s premier carrier-based fighter, made famous by its dominating role in the Vanduul war.
"Ship upgrades, which were formerly known as Cross Chassis Upgrades (CCUs), allow you to change the ship or vehicle in your pledge to a ship of higher value. If the ship you wish to change to is of the same or less value than your current ship, you will not be able to downgrade."
"When upgrading a pledge, you keep all of the current perks on your current pledge, the upgrades will add or alter what they need to! This means that the upgraded pledge will retain the original insurance included with the pledge, with the exception of any cases where an upgrade explicitly includes insurance in the pledge."
Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.
This upgrade can only be applied to an existing Anvil Aerospace F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I.

Tame the power, speed, and offensive punch of the UEE Navy’s premier carrier-based fighter, made famous by its dominating role in the Vanduul war.
"Ship upgrades, which were formerly known as Cross Chassis Upgrades (CCUs), allow you to change the ship or vehicle in your pledge to a ship of higher value. If the ship you wish to change to is of the same or less value than your current ship, you will not be able to downgrade."
"When upgrading a pledge, you keep all of the current perks on your current pledge, the upgrades will add or alter what they need to! This means that the upgraded pledge will retain the original insurance included with the pledge, with the exception of any cases where an upgrade explicitly includes insurance in the pledge."
Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.