Prospector to Defender - Upgrade
Meet the Banu Defender, a multi-crew fighter whose patchwork design highlights technology from a variety of species. Though cargo space is limited, the Defender features modest accommodations for its crew and provides easy access to components. The Defender gets its name from the role it serves: the first line of defense against enemy attacks. That’s why the Defender makes the ideal companion to the Merchantman: one to do the heavy hauling and the other to perform the deadly dogfighting. Every Banu merchant knows an investment in defense is an investment in their livelihood.
Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.
Meet the Banu Defender, a multi-crew fighter whose patchwork design highlights technology from a variety of species. Though cargo space is limited, the Defender features modest accommodations for its crew and provides easy access to components. The Defender gets its name from the role it serves: the first line of defense against enemy attacks. That’s why the Defender makes the ideal companion to the Merchantman: one to do the heavy hauling and the other to perform the deadly dogfighting. Every Banu merchant knows an investment in defense is an investment in their livelihood.
Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.